

Senkaku(尖閣) Islands are islands group in the southwestern part of the East China Sea. Ishigakijima(石垣島) north approximately 130 25 degrees N 44' - 56' of 150km, the sea area of 123 degrees E 30' -124 degrees 34' are dotted.

 Senkaku Islands are located in the East China Sea of the Ryukyu Islands west and are located the west of the Okinawa trough. Philippine Sea plate sinks under Eurasia plate, and, in Senkaku Islands, the distance is far from the Okinawa Island year by year here. There is it on a continental shelf following the Eurasian Continent from the South-West Islands.

The geological feature is volcanicity, and bedrock was bared. People did not settle down, because there was not the source of a river such as a river and wetlands. So, they could not do agriculture. But Japanese settled down, they made the "Koga-mura" village that was associated with a pioneer at one point before World War II, and more than 200 lived. But it was abandoned by an afterwards economical reason. In last years of Great War , the civilian ship who met with a disaster on the way letting a private citizen evacuate from Ishigakijima to Taiwan was washed ashore, and higher than 50 are starvation, before they was saved.

 Because neighbor rhood sea area is a good fishing area, there is the habitat of a large quantity of seabirds which live on it ; particularly there is breeding place of. the albatross (performed for from 1 to 4 on August in 1953,in the Senkaku Islands investigation by the Senkaku Islands research group and sciences investigating group of Tetsuo Takara University of Ryukyu assistant professor ,Assistant Professor Motosuke Miyagi and eleven students of Ryukyu university, confilm of the habitation of several albatrosses unofficially in Senkaku Islands Kitakojima(North kojima).Afterward the formula confilmed of twelve  albatrosses inhabiting in Senkaku Islands south Kojima professors at Sadao Ikehara University of Ryukyu University of Ryukyu arts and sciences investigating group on April 1, 1970) and a black-footed albatross (on December 10, 1970, Kyushu and Nagasaki University combination arts and sciences investigating group discovers several black-footed albatrosses in Senkaku Islands north Kojima. In 1971, Sadao Ikehara professor of Ryuku University and Ryuku University sciences investigating group confirms the habitation of six black-footed albatrosses in Senkaku Islands north Kojima. However, because Okinawa was occupied by the U.S. forces, and a large quantity of Taiwanese fishermen " illegally entry into the zone " in Senkaku Islands in the 1960s when Japanese Government was not able to have sovereignty, they confirmed that the seabirds which were more than 1 million in the fourth investigation by Tetsuo Takara Professor of the University of Ryukyu performed for from 15 to 18 on May in 1963, but  by the fifth investigation performed for from 7 to 9 on July in 1968, Katsuodori in north Kojima shapely decreased to 10,000 birds from 200,000 and Seguroazisashi decrease to 500,000 from 100,000, because Taiwanese fishermen went ashore in an occasion of the illegal operation, and plundered seabirds and an egges in large quantities. After that, the illegal landing by Taiwanese fishermen is reported, but now there is the paradise of the original seabird because there is protected and landing there is restlicted .

 The climate of Sennkaku Islands is subtropical oceanic climate, and the annual average air temperature is 23.8 degrees, the highest temperature of the monthly average is 28.9 degrees in August, the minimum temperature of the monthly average is 17.3 degrees in  February(according to AD1995('Heisei 7')).

 The annual average humidity is 78%, and the rainy season sets in from April to May, and in August with the largest monthly precipitation, it rains 235.9 millimeters and in February with the shortest monthly precipition, it rains 112.9 millimeters. In addition, annually, it becomes 2,065.6 millimeters.(according to the average from AD1961(‘Syowa 36’) to AD1990(‘’Heisei 2’)) A strong typhoon tends to hit it in about September in a typhoon season over about October from summer. "typhoon 5" that attacked Yaeyama Islands on July 31 1997(‘Syowa 52’)and is the largest typhoon in the Japanese observation history recorded atmospheric pressure 931.7 millibar, maximum wind velocity 53.0 meters, maximum instantaneous wind speed 70.2 meters.