
My Opinion

   Hello, everyone! This fiscal year will finish soon. How did you spend this year? I had very wonderful time. We studied so hard, got over the examination of university, and finally entered the University of Tsukuba, which already is a year ago. Time goes by so fast, doesn’t it?

By the way, this is last blog. I talked about an issue of Senkaku Islands from some points, for example, the historic ground of it, insistence of Japan, that of China, and that of other countries. We noticed different things from each point. Then, I will talk about what I think and what I feel through this blogging this week.

   It was not until I began to write blogs about Senkaku Islands that I had been sure Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory without the correct knowledge and information about it. But it was wrong. I think most of Japanese are sure that Chinese are wrong because they are taught false history. However, why do we declare that? And is not there possibility that we, Japanese, are taught false history? ― When I thought so, I decided I wrote blog about Senkaku Islands for we need to check out and know it more and share knowledge about it. What did everyone think through my blogs? Maybe, there are many things which you did not know. If you are Japanese, you probably did not know that Sei-Taikoh gave Senkaku Islands to the people before Japanese found and investigated it at the first time. I think that there are some of men or women who will change one’s idea through knowing this truth. The most important thing is that you judge some issues knowing many things about it.

 Here, I will introduce a movie.


I’m sorry. You probably do not understand what they say, because they speak in Japanese in this movie. This man who appeared at the beginning is Toru Hashimoto, who is the Mayor of Osaka. His insistent is that “Japan should present the issue of Senkaku Islands to International Court of Justice and it should make clear which countries have the right of its possession, if Japan is sure to win the judgment. However, in other hand, Japanese government negotiates with Chinese government about development of natural resource under the sea of Senkaku Islands together. The important point in this strategy is that, though there is possession of Senkaku Islands in Japan, two countries develop natural resource together.” I think this is the best answer which solves an issue of Senkaku Islands without breaking a relationship between two countries. You maybe think, though Senkau Islands are Japanese territory based on truth, Japan might suffer a loss if Japan conducts this strategy. Certainly, Japan will suffer a loss and China will profit at the moment. However since China and Japan are in a very close relationship as a trading partner, if China develops it is economy it would definitely come back to Japan.

That is all what I talk about a problem of Senkaku Islands. What do you think through my blogs? I hope that my blogs is known by more people, they think about it and relationship between Japan and China will get better. Thank you for reading. Good-by!

Present Situation

Hello! I’m sorry that I did not write a blog last week, because I had a viral gastroenteritis and ran a very high fever. It had pained me that I felt sick and had diarrhea. But I recovered from it by some medicines after a few days. I think that to be health is the best thing for person through this illness. Take good care of yourselves.

Anyway, I will write two blogs this week. First, I will state about the present situations of Senkaku Islands’ problem in this blog. The relationships between Japan and China are growing more and more strained at present. A most famous happening is 2010 Senkaku boat collision incident in September 7, 2010. Mizuki which is a patrol boat patrolling around the area of Senkaku Islands found a dubious ship which is from China and order them who took it to withdraw from Japanese territorial waters. But they ignore it and continued an illegal act and they collided with Yonakuni and Mizuki , patrol boats, and damaged on purpose, when they escaped. Japan Coast Guard placed them under arrest for interference of public duties and took them Ishigaki Island for an investigation. This is a movie which is taken by someone who took Mizuki at the very moment that a dubious ship collided with Japanese patrol boats.

 However, afterwards, Chinese government told the ambassador of Japan to come, protest legal disposal of this happening strongly, and demanded that Japan set a captain of it and clues free immediately, because Senkaku Islands is Chinese territory and they are not illegal. Japanese government accepted this demand, let them except a captain go back to their country and returned Chinese fishing boat to China in September 13, same year. And Japanese government was planning to indict a captain based on a domestic law. But China felt repelled by it and conducted some disposal of retaliation for Japan.

In September 24, it is announced that a captain will be released because Ryo Suzuki, who is a public prosecutor in Naha District Public Prosecutors Office, determined that a captain did not conduct illegal acts premeditatedly, in addition, considering on relationship between Japan and China. The next day, he was done and gone back to China with a plain which Chinese government prepared for him.

About 2600 people joined a demonstration in Shibuya. It is one of the biggest demonstrations that you wouldn’t see a lot in Japan. However, while media of foreign countries announced it largely in own country, Japanese media does not. What does it mean? -Probably, Japanese government does not want to expand demos around domestic. In other hand, demos which against at Japan arresting a captain of ship expand in China.

In this way, relationship between Japan and China gets worse. What do we do to improve relationship between two countries? This answer is that more people know collect information, do not tend to become emotional and behave properly.

   The next blog is last one. Please check it out! Thank you for reading, see you!


International  Court of Justice

 Hello, everyone! We recently have cold days in Japan. We had snow in this week in Tsukuba city which I live in. But, snow did not accumulate on the ground because the rain fell before it and the ground was wet. Although it is dangerous that snow accumulateanyone will slip on frozen ground, I’m little sorry because playing with snow is very fun.
However, I have a cold because of this cold weather. Take care not to catch a cold, everyone!

 By the way, I talked about Senkak Islands through the point of third party last week. Did that movie let you see this problem objectively? This week, I will talk about what to do to solve this issue.
For example, if there is discord between two companies, who give judgment for it? this answer is, you know, a court. It is the same in case between two countries. For international issues, it is International Court of Justice that give judgments.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

International Court of Justice is the international judicial system of the United Nations and it’s headquarters is placed in the Hague of Holland. It’s role is to work out a solution to an international dispute and/or to give advice to a legal problem at court.
 And now, you might think If  were so determined that Senkaku Island belongs to us, why cant we just file a suit to the ICJ. Thats what I thought till now. It sure is one way to solve a problem like this quickly. Actually, if this problem did come up to the court it’s almost certain that Japan is going to win. But it doesn’t go so smoothly. At the ICF, a file cannot be brought up to court unless the both nations agree. This is because every nations have an equal right. China would probably refuse to bring this problem up to the court. China doesn’t have enough evidence that shows the Senkaku Island belongs to them and so they know that they’re going to lose in a trial.  So China would get away from the trial by saying that it’s nothing to mention that the Senkaku Island is their territory.
 Moreover, by filing this suit to the ICJ, there could be a problem to Japan. I’ve been analyzing this matter on this blog and now, considering all the historical facts, I’m pretty sure that the Senkaku Island belong to Japan. But, here’s the problem. If we file a suit to ICJ now, it means that we show the whole world that the Senkaku Island is a dispute area. So unless the joint suit is accepted, Japanese just fall from completely advantageous position to a disadvantage and that’s it. Considering all this, I’d say that filing a suit to ICJ is not a best way to solve this problem. What us Japanese have to do now is to think how to make Chinese government to accept the joint suit and to get ready for the trial when Chinese government actually accepted this.
 Anyway, it seems that this is not a problem that could be solved right away. Thank you for reading.


Other countries' opinions

 Hello, everyone! How are you? I’m very fine. This is because I met my girlfriend after a long time, and date with her. We watched a movie in that date. A movie we watched is ‘Les Miserables’ which is much talked about. It is very touching and nice movie! I recommend you watch it!

 By the way, let’s be going on to the main topic. So far, we have thought about Senkaku Islands in Japanese position and Chinese. But we only do that, we cannot understand the essence of it. This is because there is possibility that each country states as if they are sure that Senkaku Islands are own lands each other.
This is why we are going to think this topic from others points. Maybe, if we see it from third party’s points and think objectively, we will become aware something new.
 So, I looked over something which outsiders write. I think other countries treat these problems with much interest because it is much talked about in Japan and China took a lot of conspicuous actions. However, it is wrong. Most of other countries are “indifferent” to this problem. If you are Japanese, you will possibly be surprised at it. But you will consent to it as I ask about this question.Do you know falklands conflict between U.K. and Argentina very well? And are interested in it?  Probably, most people answer “No.” This conflict is an appropriate burden. You have already noticed, have’nt you? You are not interested in territorial issue as far as you are directly in the issue.  

 But, of course, some foreigners are much interested in problem of Senkaku Islands. Please watch this movie.
 This woman who appears this movie is very cute! With big eyes, a high nose and slender body Oops! No no no, I’m sorry. That was nothing I wanted to say. I meant that this is the very valuable movie that we can tell the opinion of third party, not Chinese, not Japanese. I knew what happened after 1895 when Japanese Government researched about Senkaku Island and I wrote about it in this blog. But I never knew the fact that in 1895 Sei-Taiko(西太后) gave the citizens Senkaku Island just to gather medicinal herb. It’s not so reported on news in Japan. I bet there will be many people that change opinions if they find out about this.

  Moreover, when you see other foreigners’ comments, the opinion that say Senkaku Islands belong to Japan is major. Though, on the other hand, foreign media are kind of strict to Japan. They say that Japanese government is responsible for anti-Japan movements. The problems of the territory, in principle, are not able to be solved. This is why it is a global common that the issue shoud not be regarded as a problem. However, they think we broke the tacit rule because Japan government nationalized Senkaku Island. I think, in China or Japan, people may be quite a few, who believe that whoever think Senkaku Island belongs their country or all what they do are right. I want those people to judge calmly, considering such a idea from another country. I stop talking this week. Thank you for reading.