
Other countries' opinions

 Hello, everyone! How are you? I’m very fine. This is because I met my girlfriend after a long time, and date with her. We watched a movie in that date. A movie we watched is ‘Les Miserables’ which is much talked about. It is very touching and nice movie! I recommend you watch it!

 By the way, let’s be going on to the main topic. So far, we have thought about Senkaku Islands in Japanese position and Chinese. But we only do that, we cannot understand the essence of it. This is because there is possibility that each country states as if they are sure that Senkaku Islands are own lands each other.
This is why we are going to think this topic from others points. Maybe, if we see it from third party’s points and think objectively, we will become aware something new.
 So, I looked over something which outsiders write. I think other countries treat these problems with much interest because it is much talked about in Japan and China took a lot of conspicuous actions. However, it is wrong. Most of other countries are “indifferent” to this problem. If you are Japanese, you will possibly be surprised at it. But you will consent to it as I ask about this question.Do you know falklands conflict between U.K. and Argentina very well? And are interested in it?  Probably, most people answer “No.” This conflict is an appropriate burden. You have already noticed, have’nt you? You are not interested in territorial issue as far as you are directly in the issue.  

 But, of course, some foreigners are much interested in problem of Senkaku Islands. Please watch this movie.
 This woman who appears this movie is very cute! With big eyes, a high nose and slender body Oops! No no no, I’m sorry. That was nothing I wanted to say. I meant that this is the very valuable movie that we can tell the opinion of third party, not Chinese, not Japanese. I knew what happened after 1895 when Japanese Government researched about Senkaku Island and I wrote about it in this blog. But I never knew the fact that in 1895 Sei-Taiko(西太后) gave the citizens Senkaku Island just to gather medicinal herb. It’s not so reported on news in Japan. I bet there will be many people that change opinions if they find out about this.

  Moreover, when you see other foreigners’ comments, the opinion that say Senkaku Islands belong to Japan is major. Though, on the other hand, foreign media are kind of strict to Japan. They say that Japanese government is responsible for anti-Japan movements. The problems of the territory, in principle, are not able to be solved. This is why it is a global common that the issue shoud not be regarded as a problem. However, they think we broke the tacit rule because Japan government nationalized Senkaku Island. I think, in China or Japan, people may be quite a few, who believe that whoever think Senkaku Island belongs their country or all what they do are right. I want those people to judge calmly, considering such a idea from another country. I stop talking this week. Thank you for reading.

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