
Present Situation

Hello! I’m sorry that I did not write a blog last week, because I had a viral gastroenteritis and ran a very high fever. It had pained me that I felt sick and had diarrhea. But I recovered from it by some medicines after a few days. I think that to be health is the best thing for person through this illness. Take good care of yourselves.

Anyway, I will write two blogs this week. First, I will state about the present situations of Senkaku Islands’ problem in this blog. The relationships between Japan and China are growing more and more strained at present. A most famous happening is 2010 Senkaku boat collision incident in September 7, 2010. Mizuki which is a patrol boat patrolling around the area of Senkaku Islands found a dubious ship which is from China and order them who took it to withdraw from Japanese territorial waters. But they ignore it and continued an illegal act and they collided with Yonakuni and Mizuki , patrol boats, and damaged on purpose, when they escaped. Japan Coast Guard placed them under arrest for interference of public duties and took them Ishigaki Island for an investigation. This is a movie which is taken by someone who took Mizuki at the very moment that a dubious ship collided with Japanese patrol boats.

 However, afterwards, Chinese government told the ambassador of Japan to come, protest legal disposal of this happening strongly, and demanded that Japan set a captain of it and clues free immediately, because Senkaku Islands is Chinese territory and they are not illegal. Japanese government accepted this demand, let them except a captain go back to their country and returned Chinese fishing boat to China in September 13, same year. And Japanese government was planning to indict a captain based on a domestic law. But China felt repelled by it and conducted some disposal of retaliation for Japan.

In September 24, it is announced that a captain will be released because Ryo Suzuki, who is a public prosecutor in Naha District Public Prosecutors Office, determined that a captain did not conduct illegal acts premeditatedly, in addition, considering on relationship between Japan and China. The next day, he was done and gone back to China with a plain which Chinese government prepared for him.

About 2600 people joined a demonstration in Shibuya. It is one of the biggest demonstrations that you wouldn’t see a lot in Japan. However, while media of foreign countries announced it largely in own country, Japanese media does not. What does it mean? -Probably, Japanese government does not want to expand demos around domestic. In other hand, demos which against at Japan arresting a captain of ship expand in China.

In this way, relationship between Japan and China gets worse. What do we do to improve relationship between two countries? This answer is that more people know collect information, do not tend to become emotional and behave properly.

   The next blog is last one. Please check it out! Thank you for reading, see you!

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