
Chinese education of anti-Japanese

Hello, everyone! I am going to tell you Chinese anti-Japan (Japanese say Hannichi-反日) on this week.
Anti-Japan means that emotion and principle against Japan (for example, politics, a business, people, social, culture, system, history…etc).  The trend of anti-Japan started when Tiananmen Square Incident (an incident that the citizens and students who  was gathering in the Tiananmen Square demanding for democracy got shot indiscriminately by the government ) happened in 1989. 
The Communist Party (the party in China at that time) made Chinese citizens’discontents against them turn to Japan, as Anti-Japan, intentionally. And soon it had an effect on education which established as patriotic education. For example, Chinese history book tell the damage larger than as it is and concealed their stain like Tiananmen Square Incident, the Great Cultural revolution, etc. It was said that 12 million people were killed in the Japanese-Chinese war at the end of the war. But under the education of the anti-Japan trend of president Ko, it swelled to 35 million. Chinese government brainwashed the citizens into anti-Japan by altering the number.
The sentence below is a quote from Chinese history book;
 The Japanese army slaughtered so many people in Ryojun. Japanese army “ gathered Chinese in one place, tied them up, stabbed them with a spear, and cut their body into pieces with their swords.”
As you can see in the quote above, the Chinese exaggerate Japan’s aggressiveness and China’s damage in WW2.

And now that Chinese and Japanese governments are up to the problem of Senkaku Islands, an anti-Japan movement is happening frequently in China. This all started with news reporting that the Japanese government bought the Senkaku Islands and soon spread all over China. Many Japanese supermarkets and motor shops was set on fire and plundered. The root of all these illegal actions of Chinese against Japan is the patriotism that president Ko started in the Tiananmen Square Incident of 1989. This chauvinism accepted Chinese’ illegal movement as “Patriotic Innocence” and allowed Chinese to go on with their movements.
But in the other hand, many Chinese people fall in a strong culture shock when they come to Japan for educations and as business because of the gap between the real Japan that they see, well civilized and technically developed, and the image of Japan that they were taught in school, like “ the place of uncivilized barbarian people.” Especially the upper class, intelligent people learned what they never get to know in their mother country, started to look at their homeland from the outer world and began to doubt what they believed in for all their life, moreover it’s politics, too.
You might wonder why Chinese people don’t realize this when internet and global media is so developed in these days but in China information control system is so strict. The Chinese never doubt what they see in TVs and newspapers.
This made me really wish for the Chinese to get to know Japan in a right way. Thank you for reading!

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