

Senkaku Islands were known to the Ryukyu race for a long time, but it was the area that belonged to no country and was a lack of ownership place in the international law.
   The Japanese Government investigated Senkaku Islands after 1885 and judged, "there was no evidence that these Islands belonged to China". And, in 1895, an occupancy theory decided that Senkaku Islands were territories of Japan in a cabinet meeting. Thereafter, Senkaku Islands became the territory of Japan.
 In 1896, Mr. Tatsushiro Koga received permission to lent Senkaku Islands to free for 30 years and reclaimed Senkaku Islands by large-scale financial power. Zenji Koga who was a son of Mr. Tatsushiro Koga succeeded the reclamation, and, for the heyday, the people more than 200 lived in the Uozuri Island and tried for industrial development.
  Senkaku Islands came to attract attention after a marine investigating group of the United Nations made clear that enormous resource lied in this sea area in 1968.
Taiwan, not only China but also Japan had big interest for this findings. For twice, the Japanese Government let Tokai University investigate the bottom of the sea around the Senkaku Islands. Then the layer of the root stone of the oil spread out 200,000 kilos around Senkaku Islands in the bottom of the sea, and it became clear that the layer thickness amounted to than 3,000 meters. It is the beginning of the territorial dispute.
 Afterwards, Taiwanese government announced that Taiwanese government had the right of the exploration dig. And Taiwanese government declared that Taiwan had the dominium of Senkaku Islands. In addition, Kainenmaru of the Taiwanese fisheries experimental station raised a fine weather broad daylight flag in the Uozuri Island and refuse an offer of the Japanese government. In contrast, the Japanese made against Taiwanese government about a continental shelf problem again. However, I hardly progressed substantially. On the other hand, China blamed that the measures that Kuomintang government took were territory invasion of China.
 At the time of Okinawa return of 1971, the American Department of State declared openly, "the United States returned the facilities right of the South-West Islands including Senkaku Islands to Japan". In addition, America expressed an opinion, "It was confirmed that the decision of the Agreement for the Return of Okinawa did not have an influence on the claim of the sovereignty possession of any country about Senkaku Islands either"
Afterwards, there has been the opposition of possession of Senkaku Islands between Japan and China. The reason is to have judged that it is minus that Japanese Government gives the issue of possession of Senkaku Islands for Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship negotiations.
 I think there ware something wrong in each countries. Taiwan and China began to insist, after a marine investigating group of the United Nations made clear that enormous resource lied in this sea area. It is clear that their purpose is enormous resource. But Japan was wrong, too. If Japan had insisted strongly, such an issue wouldn’t develop.

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