
Chinese insistence

While Japan insists on the possession of Senkaku Islands, China and Taiwan insist on it. China raises three for historic grounds to insist on the right of possession.
 The first, because Uotsuri Island (魚釣島-a part of Senkaku Islands) appeared for the history documents of Mei (The old Chinese name), Senkaku Islands did not belong to the Ryukyu country, and it was a territory of China.
The second, the territory admission by the Japanese Government of 1895 is the illegal occupation that was carried out without waiting for end of the Sin-Japanese War.
The third, it is the illegal occupation by the United States to have been placed under the administration of the United States in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, and The United states gave Japan it by Agreement for the Return of Okinawa.    

In addition, China insists from the viewpoints of international law. It was said that Japan performed “occupancy” of Senkaku Islands as “a lack of ownership place”. But Uotsuri Island has not been a lack of ownership place since Mei, and it had been established that Uotduri Island was Chinese territory.
Potsdam Declaration (On July 26, 1945, based on an agreement in the Potsdam conference, The United States of America, the Republic of China (the old Chinese name) and the British of leaders uttered it for Great Japanese Empire (the old Japanese name)) means the abandonment of every territory which Japan captured of China. Because Uotsuri Island is belong to Taiwan for geographically, it is included the abandoned territory.  

On the other hand, Taiwan insists that Senkaku Islands have been territories of China historically since Mei, like China. There are three say of Taiwan. The first, senkaku Islands rang Taiwan for geologically and geographically. The second, Taiwan performs the fishing industry around area of the sea. And, Taiwan makes use of Uotsuri Island, naturally and daily. The third, Because Senkaku Islands is not “the lack of ownership ground”, “the occupancy” of Japan is not established and is the illegal occupation under the cover of the victory of the war. Therefore, it should be returned in the territory of Taiwan by “Potsdam Declaration” and “Japan-China Peace Treaty” after World War II
About these China and Taiwan insistences, Japanese government says that their points which are raised for historic, geologic and geographic grounds are not the effective grounds for an argument which support that China has the right of possession of Senkaku Islands, neither.

At present, the Chinese claim does not change. However, a change occurs in the attitude of Taiwan. Ba-eikyu (馬英九-the president of Taiwan) submitted “East China Sea peace initiative(東シナ海平和イニシアチブ)” by a ceremony of August 5, 2012.
About the dispute around Senkaku Islands, Taiwan suggested, “there was the right of possession in China, but the dispute shelves it, and we are settled by peaceful means and build mechanism to develop resources jointly.” Japan will not accept this claim.

Oops! I did not state resources which there are under the sea of Senkaku Islands!
It is the next blog that I will state it! See you.

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