
The true reason of China seeking Senkaku Islands

I think that it is because there are resources around Senkaku Islands that China seeks it.

In the first place, the reason that each country is more curious about Senkaku Islands is that it is discovered there are a lot of oil and gas in the continental shelf of them by geological survey in 1968. In 1971, China insisted the right of possession of Senkaku Islands. In the same year, The United State decided to return Okinawa and Senkaku Islands, and in the next year, actually did. China had dissatisfaction about this, but did not make a protest because China was interested in normalization with Japan. Afterwards, the relationship between Chinese nation and Japanese normalized.

 In 1974, China performed new approach about Senkaku Islands and submitted the postponement of a dispute of it without time limit.
 Because Japan did not want to break relationship with China, found a way of the compromise, too, and was not going to completely reject a Chinese claim.
Afterwards, the relationship is better, both countries signed Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty in August 12, 1978.

It was in 1996 that a change occurred in the dispute of the right of possession. Both of countries ratify United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and include Senkaku Islands among Exclusive Economic Zone. In addition, a result of boring in 1999 made thing worse, because it showed that there was enormous natural gas in its continental shelf. Then, China conducted geological survey activity lively, build the sea platform follow the border of Japanese area of the sea, and began to bore. Because the area where there is natural gas continued the territory of Japan, Japanese government was concerned that China continued to bore in the territory of Japan. But, both of countries wanted to keep off that relations turned worse, so they discussed, and agreed to solve all problems without military power. However, China did not show plans concerning boring and mining natural gas. So, Japanese government began to reexamine requests of Japanese corporations for issuing license to mine in the continental shelf of Senkaku Islands. But the Chinese Foreign Ministry complained about it because it is “agitation”.
This is why anti-Japan expanded in China.

 Several years passed and both of countries noticed that they should agree to probe gas-field in Senkaku Islands together. However, although any difficult consultations that are to let the project go ahead were conducted, each other's positions in the territorial problem did not compromise at all. This is because not only pride but also actual profit as resource.

 The more I study about Senkaku Islands through writing blogs, the uglier I think that this dispute of territory is. Both of countries’ Desire for actual profit is very obvious.

But I think that Senkaku Islands is Japanese territory as far as I look at a lot of documents about Senkaku Islands. It is wrong that China is going to deprive them. However, it was not until enormous resources were found around them that Japan insisted they are Japanese territory strongly. If Japan had insisted at the first, there would be such a dispute of territory between China and Japan. Japan is wrong, too. How do you think? Maybe, you have a different idea. Please sent any comments for me!

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